Monday, May 30, 2011

Concert Photography: Bob Schneider

So, I went to see Bob Schneider last night.  My little corner of the internet is full of love for Bob.  I had a grueling debate with myself over whether I wanted to take my camera or not.  I mean sometimes a chick just wants to get down with her bad self and not think about a camera.  In the end my camera yelled from its bag, "you better take me, I wanna see Bob too!"  Okay, maybe that didn't happen but I took the camera anyway!

I sang along loudly and proudly and I danced like some sort of deranged lunatic.  Neither of these are conducive to photography.  That being said, I did get a few decent shots.  And I suppose I'm glad I took my camera.  Though, I'm currently not on speaking terms with it for making me look atrocious in the photo I took with one Mr. Bob Schneider...I'll be cropping me out of that!  Anyway, for your viewing pleasure and so you can feel the Bob love, a non-blurry shot from last night's show.

Bob Schneider at Bowery Ballroom, May 29, 2011
 (more photos HERE)